Briefing Doc: La sécheresse vaginale. Solutions Laser – Dr Albert Ohayon
Source: Excerpts from « La sécheresse vaginale. Solutions Laser – Dr Albert Ohayon – Gynécologue – Laser – Montpellier » (Article dated December 5, 2020)
Main Theme: This article by Dr. Albert Ohayon focuses on vaginal dryness (sécheresse vaginale) and presents CO2 laser treatments as a viable and effective solution, particularly for post-menopausal women. The article aims to raise awareness of vaginal atrophy as a public health issue and highlight the benefits of laser therapy compared to traditional treatments.
Key Ideas & Facts:
• Vaginal Atrophy as a Significant Issue: The article emphasizes that vaginal atrophy is a common problem affecting over 50% of post-menopausal women, typically appearing 2-7 years after menopause. It’s linked to decreased estrogen production: « Ils sont directement liés à la carence résultant de la cessation de la production d’œstrogènes par les ovaires après la ménopause. »
• Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy: The symptoms include itching, decreased lubrication, pain during intercourse (dyspareunia), vaginal bleeding during intercourse, vaginal discharge (leucorrhea), frequent urination (polyuria), and urinary urgency.
• Underestimated and Undertreated: Dr. Ohayon highlights that despite its prevalence, vaginal atrophy is often underestimated and undertreated. Many women believe it is a natural consequence of aging and do not seek medical help. « Pourtant, de façon étonnante, la perception et la prise en charge de cet état sont sous-estimée. »
• Limitations of Traditional Treatments: The article acknowledges the existence of various treatments like topical lubricants, non-hormonal moisturizers, and local estrogen administration. However, it points out their drawbacks. Lubricants only provide temporary relief, moisturizers are not reimbursed, estrogen treatments can be abandoned by patients, and hormonal treatment is strictly regulated due to side effects.
• CO2 Laser as an Effective Solution: The primary focus is on CO2 laser treatments as a long-term solution for vaginal dryness. The laser stimulates the regeneration of the vaginal mucosa, leading to increased collagen production, thickening and strengthening the vaginal structure. « Les traitements au laser stimulent la régénération de la muqueuse vaginale avec la production de contingents nouveaux de fibres de collagène qui épaissit et renforce la structure vaginale. »
• Benefits of Laser Treatment: The article claims that laser treatment offers several benefits, including a significant reduction in symptoms related to vaginal atrophy in menopausal women. Patients report improved comfort during sexual activity and increased satisfaction. It also is performed in an outpatient setting, not requiring general anaesthesia. « La grande majorité des patientes qui ont bénéficié de ces procédures se dit satisfaite, acte indolore et diminution des symptômes causés par l’atrophie vaginale. »
• Safety and Expertise: Dr. Ohayon emphasizes the importance of having a qualified gynecologist or urologist perform the procedure, possessing specific training in laser techniques. He holds diplomas in « Utilisation médico-chirurgicale des Lasers et Techniques apparentées » and « Médecine et chirurgie reconstructrice & plastique périnéale. »
• Cost and Consultation: The article provides a cost estimate of around 280 euros per session and mentions that the treatment is currently not covered by insurance. It emphasizes the necessity of a prior consultation, examination, and diagnosis to determine the suitability of the treatment for each patient. « Je ne la pratique qu’après avoir diagnostiqué qu’elle vous était bien destinée. »
• Equipment: The clinic is equipped with the latest CO2 laser « GYNELASE » specifically designed for these treatments.
Overall Impression:
Dr. Ohayon presents a strong case for using CO2 laser treatments as an effective and safe alternative to traditional methods for addressing vaginal dryness. The article is informative and aims to educate women about this often-overlooked issue and the potential benefits of laser therapy. He highlights the importance of seeking expert consultation and emphasizes that he only performs the procedure if it is deemed appropriate for the patient. The focus on long-term results and improved quality of life makes a compelling argument for considering this treatment option.